Integrated Environmental and Safety Policy

LAV.EL. Gomma S.r.l > Integrated Environmental and Safety Policy

Integrated Environmental and Safety Policy

LAV.EL.GOMMA production processes are geared strongly both towards the health and safety of all its employees and towards environmental protection, with the company retaining that a public statement of its environmental policy is a mark of respect for the local community. Its processes comply with both the requirements and the expectations of all the interested parties, as it observes current legislation and pursues continuous improvement of company performance.

In light of this, LAV.EL.GOMMA has chosen to introduce an Integrated Environmental and Safety Management System that complies with BS OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001. Furthermore, it recognises this system as an integral part of its corporate objectives and as a strategic factor within its operations.

The company’s priority is to provide an accident-free workplace, protect environmental matrices, and care for the local area. Consequently, in addition to ensuring full compliance with current legislation and regulations, LAV.EL.GOMMA pledges to:

  • Establish and adopt processes, technology, monitoring systems and controls that reduce environmental and worker risks, thus helping to prevent accidents and possible effects on health within a framework of continuous improvement;
  • Ensure that all company workers and external partners, working in the company, are increasingly involved so that they develop a greater sense of how important their role is in the correct management of production processes and in the improvement of environmental and workplace conditions;
  • Use bespoke information and worker-training software to enhance the competence and responsibility of managers, supervisors and all employees;
  • Promote the principle of environmental protection, health and workplace safety in company suppliers and contractors by developing cooperation and coordination and requiring them to ensure that their operations comply with the company’s inhouse regulations and any external regulations it observes;
  • Communicate and collaborate in an increasingly clear and transparent manner with worker representatives, third parties and control authorities;
  • Introduce innovation and improvement schemes, as well as suitable prevention and protection measures, in order to ensure a dramatic fall in the number of workplace accidents and constant improvement of environmental performance by providing sufficient human and financial resources;
  • Monitor compliance with this policy with periodic audits and inspections, constant checks on operations, training and information documentation, risk assessment and action plans for prevention and improvement;
  • Pursue continuous improvement by analysing and monitoring performance indicators for the environment and workplace health and safety;
  • Prevent and correct all types of hazardous situation by implementing cause analysis and possible remedies, even in the event of minor accidents;
  • Ensure safety procedures are maintained for the management of environmental, as well as workplace health and safety emergencies.

This integrated policy is a benchmark for the establishment and review of the objectives and goals of the company’s Environmental, Health and Safety Management Systems. All company personnel are informed of this policy, as is everyone who works on the company’s behalf; it is also made available to all interested parties.


Cologne, September 15th 2020

 The employer

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